ADANI PICKLE MASALA -the favourite twins amongst the ladies !

These are acouple out of  the many lead sellers in the ADANI SPICES basket of offerings - The PICKLE MASALA twin packs -GOD KERI and KHATI KERI Pickle Masalas!
A hit amongst the consumers and market leader since years, the client sought to sort of give a fresh, contemporary look to it . There's an interesting fact regarding this product -The product is a best seller in the category since so many years that we could not even find the original design files for the pack in the archives of the company ! The consumers were so accustomed to the old pack design that we thought that we might as well make modifications in the original pack design to give it a contemporary look, but the pack design file was lost in the handling during the bygone years!
So, it was more of a tall challenge to do the re-branding....
